Welcome To True Kids
We love kids! We believe that children are a gift from the Lord. We do not provide childcare or babysitting, rather we engage children at every level teaching and demonstrating the love of God. Whether they are brand new – 6th grade we have a service designed with them in mind. The word of God comes alive each Sunday through transforming Biblical lessons, interactive games and outrageously friendly host. Our caring volunteers teach your children about God in a safe and secure environment through unconditional love and a stimulating curriculum. Utilizing sensory objects, intellectual activities and a Christian environment, your children will leave praising God every week!

True Kids Events

Check-In & Check-Out
- Check in is 30 minutes before service starts. If It is your first time please arrive at least 10 minutes early so we can gather all your information for security purposes for you and your children.

Pack A Bag
- For our Babies and Pre-Schoolers we ask Parents to bring a labeled diaper bag with diapers, child snacks, change of clothes, comfort toy, bottle, snacks and wipes.
- If your child has allergies please send a snack for your child, please stay away from any snacks containing nuts. Please let the volunteer know every week that you have provided a snack. If you have a child two and under please provide a snack for them, as each child’s development is different.
At Word of Truth we want to make sure each child is protected from contagious illnesses as much as possible. Please keep your child at home if they have any of these symptoms: low grade fever or fever within the past 24-48 hrs, opaque or yellow mucus, pink eye, flu-like symptoms, diarrhea, vomiting etc. Only if your child has been fever free without the aid of fever reducers for 48hrs should they be brought to True Kids.
Word of Truth considers potty training to mean a child can fully communicate the need to go to the restroom and use it without assistance. Preschoolers usually are transitioning to that stage so please be on call if we need you to assist. A great resource is “Toilet Training in less than a Day” by Dr. Foxx
Every week volunteers take the time to serve God by serving the children of Word of Truth and our guests. You can be a lifesaver too! We know God wants you to play a part in changing the future so join us and start here. If you are interested in serving please come to the check-in desk and speak with a True Kids Volunteer today.