In order to make sure services do not go over capacity, we ask that you reserve a FREE ticket for each person attending. You can reserve your tickets here.

In 2067, as a famine-driven war ravages the world, 17-year-old Bayou fights to protect herself and her younger sibling. They find refuge in a homeless shelter run by the eccentric yet kindhearted janitor, Mr. Penny. Within its walls, Bayou stumbles upon a hidden, magical shop where people use their spiritual and natural gifts to uplift one another. As the war rages outside, each encounter within the shelter helps Bayou uncover her own unique abilities. What begins as a place of refuge soon transforms into a beacon of hope, drawing others toward the greatest gift of all—Jesus Christ.

What is the cost of the production?

There is absolutely no cost; it is FREE for everyone.

Is childcare provided?

There will be no childcare during the evening production, as children of all ages are invited to join their parents for the productions. Childcare will be provided for the Sunday morning showings.

What is the length of the service?

The length of the service will be approximately an hour, to an hour and a half.

Do you use special effects?

Yes, there may be LED’s, strobe lights, haze fog, loud noises and other special effects during the performance.